How Does Ungraded Student Practice Correlate to Exam Scores?
Physics prof tries leveraging students' intrinsic motivation
Date & Time
February 22, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
- Webex recording (UMBC login req'd)
- Presentation slides
- Anonymous feedback form
Building on a growing CNMS practice of using question banks and calculated question types for online exams in Blackboard, Cody Goolsby-Cole (Physics) also created practice questions that were ungraded, in terms of points contributing to a final grade, but including correct and incorrect answers displayed to students. During the first six units of his Spring 22 course, PHYS 122 "Introductory Physics II," he found students earning a 70% on the practice questions earned an average of 92% on the exam that followed. Students who did not use practice questions earned an average exam grade of 77%. As a 2022-23 LA mini-grant and 2023-24 renewal recipient, he will share his findings and lessons learned from his approach over recent semesters.