Ultra Quick Start: Optimizing Course Quota
Removing unused content and using cloud-based storage
Ultra Quick Start: Optimizing Course Quota – Online Event
Date & Time
May 30, 2024, 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm – Canceled
It's that time of the semester -- you are trying to upload another PDF or PowerPoint presentation into your Blackboard course, only to learn you are unable to because your Blackboard course quota is full.
Videos, slideshow presentations, and documents quickly take up course storage. Course content that you have copied from other course sections also wastes your course storage. In this webinar, we will review how you can easily remove unused content from your course and use cloud storage options to upload large content and link to the content within in order to optimize your course storage.
Session objectives:
Define items uploaded to Blackboard that count against course quota.
Use the “remove unused content” tool to free up quota space
Locate large content to delete from Blackboard courses.
Determine which cloud storage options best support videos, slideshow presentations, and other documents.
Create links within Blackboard to content from cloud storage.
This session will be facilitated by Peter Ariev Instructional Design Specialist, and Josh Abrams Instructional Technology Specialist.
To RSVP for the event, please click “Going Virtually” below and be sure to add the event to your calendar!
This webinar will take place in a Google Meet virtual conference room. Enter the webinar up to 15 minutes before the start time. Select the "Join Online Event" button in myUMBC to join the session.
Please note:UMBC is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors. If you would like to request accommodations (e.g., ASL interpreters, captioning, wheelchair access, etc.) for this event, please notify us at least two weeks prior to the event. Requests received after that time cannot be guaranteed, but we will do our best to make arrangements for program access. Please contact the event host (instructionaltechnology@umbc.edu) with your specific request and be sure to include the event title, date, and time.
Thumbnail: Ultra Quick Start (decorative)