
This is a sample News page using content from the Division of Information Technology group in myUMBC.

Showing items tagged course-development. Show All

Begin Designing & Preparing for Your Fall Bb Courses

Blackboard FA2020 Course Development Shells Available

In response to some faculty requests, DoIT’s Instructional Technology team will create Fall 2020 Course Development shells for all courses listed in the Schedule of Classes by close of business on...

Posted: May 29, 2020, 7:07 AM

Why Quality Matters: Provide Measurable Learning Objectives

Establish a connected foundation for student learning

Learning objectives are the heart of the Quality Matters Rubric, establishing a foundation upon which the rest of hybrid or online course is based. Everything in a hybrid or online course -- from...

Posted: October 4, 2016, 3:00 PM

Why Quality Matters: Course Design & the Course Overview

Start students on the path to success with clear information

Do your students know what to do and where to start in your hybrid or online course? Imagine what it would be like to be a new student to the course, the major, the campus, or the LMS. Think about...

Posted: September 7, 2016, 2:42 PM