
This is a sample News page using content from the Division of Information Technology group in myUMBC.

Showing items tagged email. Show All

Campus Webmail to be Upgraded on May 28

Not applicable to google mail users.

On Wednesday, May 28 at 7am, DoIT will be performing an upgrade of the campus webmail environment on our dedicated Cyrus mail server. The current webmail environment is extremely out of date on...

Posted: April 25, 2014, 1:50 PM

Using Box to Collect and Assess Job Applications

Enhance and streamline your department job searches

An increasing number of departments are using the Box "upload by email" option as an effective way to conduct job searches. Apart from making it easy to collect applications, committee members can...

Posted: April 22, 2014, 3:13 PM

DoIT News Moving to myUMBC Groups

As of today, the DoIT News will be published through the DoIT Group on myUMBC, which in turn feeds the new DoIT site at As such, we will no longer be maintaining this Movable Type...

Posted: July 3, 2012, 10:19 AM

Phishing Attacks: How to Spot Fake Emails

Phishing emails often pretend to be from your bank, credit card company, eBay or PayPal. However, you also get legitimate messages from these companies, so how do you tell the real ones from the...

Posted: September 12, 2011, 6:15 PM

DoIT IT Support Changes - Help Desk & AV Moving

Starting this summer, there will be a number of significant changes occurring in the way DoIT provides support to the campus community. The driver for this change is the new Retriever Learning...

Posted: July 31, 2011, 5:57 PM

UMBC Email Problems on February 9

Results of Review of Email Problems on February 9th

Last Wednesday afternoon, Feburary 9th, DoIT experienced a mail system error on one of UMBC's major mail servers used for sending mail. This caused mail trying to be sent from UMBC to be delayed...

Posted: February 15, 2011, 6:25 AM

Google GMail - Why it Matters

In December, after consultation with the IT Steering Committee, DoIT announced we would move forward with plans to migrate all the remaining UMBC student accounts over to Gmail starting January...

Posted: January 15, 2011, 7:36 PM

Coming Soon: Group Notifications

An easier way to stay on top of your groups.

After a bit of a break, I'm pleased to announce the upcoming release of a new feature for myUMBC: Group Notifications. One thing we've heard from group members is that once they join a group,...

Posted: October 19, 2010, 10:01 AM

Bb Known Issue: Email Sent in HTML Format vs. Plain Text

Over the past month DoIT has received reports from both faculty and students that emails sent through Blackboard contain HTML code. In some instances users have complained that the embedded code...

Posted: October 1, 2010, 5:46 PM