
This is a sample News page using content from the Division of Information Technology group in myUMBC.

Showing items tagged reports. Show All

Getting Help With Data, Analytics, and Reports

New and Improved!

Almost everyone has found themselves in a position where they need to ask a question, but aren’t sure who they should ask or how to ask it.  It can be frustrating (and inefficient) to ask several...

Posted: February 2, 2021, 12:54 PM

Some Qualtrics Reports to be Deprecated

Classic reports will no longer be available after 10/31

After October 31st, 2020, Qualtrics users will lose access to any reports which were created with Classic Reports, including scheduled emails and public reports. If you have not already done so,...

Posted: October 9, 2020, 2:42 PM

DoIT News Moving to myUMBC Groups

As of today, the DoIT News will be published through the DoIT Group on myUMBC, which in turn feeds the new DoIT site at As such, we will no longer be maintaining this Movable Type...

Posted: July 3, 2012, 10:19 AM

IHE Journal Publishes Article on Check My Activity...

Full Title: IHE Journal Publishes Article on Check My Activity Tool for StudentsThe Internet and Higher Education has published an article about UMBC's Check My Activity (CMA) tool for students in...

Posted: February 24, 2011, 2:44 PM

Educause Publishes Video Demo of UMBC "Check My...

Full Title: Educause Publishes Video Demo of UMBC "Check My Activity" Tool for Students The final 2010 issue of EDUCAUSE Quarterly includes a brief (5 minute) video demo of UMBC's "Check My...

Posted: February 4, 2011, 12:58 PM