
This is a sample News page using content from the Division of Information Technology group in myUMBC.

Scheduled Downtime

Due to scheduled maintenance on the HPC power distribution units in the Research Park Data Center, we will be cancelling all jobs and powering-off the taki cluster at 5pm on June 17. We plan to...

Posted: June 18, 2019, 9:40 AM

Interruption to Campus Services around 3:20pm today

This afternoon, at around 3:20pm, we suffered a power outage to one of the racks in the computer room in Engineering. This rack holds key equipment that provides data storage for a good number of...

Posted: June 5, 2019, 4:58 PM

Delegated Grading, Import Calendars Come to Ultra in June

Learn what’s coming to Ultra & Collaborate next month

The June update to Blackboard brings delegated grading to Ultra courses. Renamed “parallel marking” in Ultra, this feature is designed to minimize bias when paired with anonymous grading. Parallel...

Posted: May 30, 2019, 1:25 PM

DoIT to Auto-enroll all New Employees in Duo 2-factor Login

Reminder: Faculty Deadline Updated to 9/30/19

As part of the recent initiative to convert all staff to Duo (, the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) will be automatically requiring Duo for new employees, starting...

Posted: May 30, 2019, 10:34 AM

Quarterly patching downtime on 5/23/2019 and 6/1/2019

As part of our ongoing commitment to security, the Unix Infrastructure group will be conducting its quarterly system patching on Thursday, May 23rd and Saturday, June 1st.  While many of the...

Posted: May 13, 2019, 1:39 PM

LDAP-Master and Webadmin downtime on 5/23 at 2pm

On Thursday, May 23rd starting at 2pm LDAP-Master and Webadmin will be taken down for system maintenance.  During this time account creations and password changes will be unavailable.  Account...

Posted: May 13, 2019, 11:17 AM

Advancing Student Success with Open Educational Resources

Supporting the UMBC Mission and Vision

Using Open Educational Resources (OER) is not just about inexpensive textbook alternatives, it is about advancing student retention, grades, and graduation rates. Given UMBC’s Mission and Vision...

Posted: May 10, 2019, 11:22 AM

UMBC Blackboard Update: SP/SU2019

UMBC Blackboard Update is provided by the Division of Information Technology for students, faculty and staff. If you have questions or need help, please consult the Blackboard Help FAQs or...

Posted: May 9, 2019, 2:51 PM