Panopto: Known Issue with Chromium-Based Browsers
"Refuse to connect" error message.
In the latest update to Chrome and Edge, Google made a change to one of their cookie settings, which may result in a “‘Refuse to connect’ error message. Using Firefox to access Panopto content should address this problem.
Alternatively, we have made a server-side setting adjustment to mitigate
this issue while the vendor continues to investigate a permanent
solution. This setting, however, will mean users running Chrome on an
iOS device will no longer be able to sign into Panopto from an embedded
folder or session. To work around this restriction, Chrome iOS users can
sign into Panopto on their mobile browser prior to accessing the embedded folder or video.

We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience this service disruption has caused both for instructors and your students. Panopto has indicated a status update will be available by the end of the day, Friday, and we will similarly update the UMBC community as additional information is made available.
Thank you all very much for your patience. We recognize the difficulties any technical limitation can cause, particularly during the more time-restricted summer sessions.
Instructional Technology Team
Posted: June 4, 2021, 11:22 AM