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CDO Now Available Across taki

Operations geared toward analysis of geophysical data

Hi All,

This is just an update regarding a new set of software packages now available on the taki cluster environment, CDO. 

From the requestor and main CDO site (https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/).

CDO is a set of command line operations geared toward analysis of geophysical data, especially from climate numerical weather prediction models.  Operations include, among many others, horizontal re-gridding and vertical interpolation, various forms of temporal averaging, and the addition or subtraction of variables across different files. They can be applied to netCDF4 and GRIB files. Users outside of the atmospheric science community may find many of the CDO operations useful, but note that some will only work if the data includes geographical dimensions.

For information on loading CDO and associated modules into your user environment, run `module spider CDO`.

Thanks for reading,
Roy Prouty
HPC System Administrator


Posted: August 17, 2021, 1:08 PM