New REX report : Plan Selection Related to Course
New REX report : Plan Selection Related to Course
Folder : Student Records and Enrollment > Course Enrollment
Folder : Student Records and Enrollment > Course Enrollment
This new report counts how many students in each course joined a particular plan before, during or after taking the course. It breaks down the numbers by cohort type (entered as freshman or transfer) and each selected plan for each selected course. Here is a sample screenshot of the first page.

Some of the parameters
- Plan(s) : It defaults to bachelor plans (majors), but does allow selection of minors and any plans that are associated with the selected Plan Rptg Org parameter.
- Ever in Plan : It defaults to only showing those students who were in a plan before, during or after, but it does allow an option to also show the students "Never" in a plan.
- Course Term(s) : It allows terms for the last 10 years, but defaults to the last 5. The trend page will show 10 years regardless of this parameter. On that page, hover over the dots to see the year and count.
- Course Rptg Org : It defaults to the reporting org selected for the plans, but it can be changed. For example, how many students in MATH 151 are a Biology major before, during or after taking the course.
For those users with access to Details reports, there is a link to a separate report which has the detail records more suitable for export to Excel for further filtering or summaries.
This report can be accessed by going to, clicking on 'Guided Reports', then navigating to the folders mentioned above.
Posted: February 2, 2022, 2:15 PM