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Additional Drill Capability in the TREX Reports

Additional Drill Capability in the TREX Reports

From Ben Lowenthal
To All TREX users

I am pleased to announce the availability of additional drill
capability in the TREX reports.  Those of you who have attended
training likely heard me mention that we were working on additional
drills from the detail reports to voucher and p-card information.
This drill capability will appear on the detail reports as "green
numbers" in the "Amount" column.  Simply click on the numbers and
additional detail will then appear in a report titled "Department
Report Voucher Detail".  You can access a revised manual which details
these changes by going to http://my.umbc.edu/groups/rex/documents/764.
 If you have already printed the initial manual, you simply have to
replace the current pages 18-19 with pages 18-20 in the revised

Please let me know if you have any questions or encounter any
difficulty with this new added feature.


Posted: May 19, 2011, 11:21 AM