Alternate Delivery Program Call for Participation Released
Hybrid/Online Course Redesign for Summer 2020
Faculty interested in developing an effective hybrid or fully online course are invited to submit a proposal for this innovative faculty support program.
The Alternate Delivery Program (ADP) offers technical, pedagogical, and financial support to a selected cohort of faculty members who agree to 1) convert an existing in-person course to the hybrid or online delivery mode and 2) offer that course in Summer Session 2019.
The Alternate Delivery Program (ADP) offers technical, pedagogical, and financial support to a selected cohort of faculty members who agree to 1) convert an existing in-person course to the hybrid or online delivery mode and 2) offer that course in Summer Session 2019.
Two information sessions are scheduled:
The SP/SU 2020 ADP Course Designer cohort will begin with a three-day workshop for faculty on January 15-17, 2020. The course conversion process will continue throughout the SP2020 semester with technical support from DoIT's Instructional Technology Team.
Please contact the POCs identified in the ADP Course Designer Track Call for Participation if you have specific questions.
The proposal submission deadline is Monday, December 9, 2019.
Posted: October 14, 2019, 1:15 PM