Where to find Open Educational Resources
A listing of OER repositories and online libraries
Are you looking for OER content for your courses? Whether you are looking for OER textbooks, open course modules, or other OER materials, feel free to search the following online OER repositories. More information can also be found at the Library OER guide
An OER commons site for the sharing of OER resources, trainings, and discussion topics. Developed by the Maryland Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation.
An online repository of Open Access textbook and course materials collected on the Maryland Lumen Learning course platform.
"OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum."
"These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality." Initiative of the Open Textbook Network at the University of Minnesota.
Open Stax is an online library of free and accessible course content. It is an initiative of Rice University
"In conjunction with Deep Web Technologies, University Libraries has developed a search engine that simultaneously queries a number of open educational resource sites."
"Open textbooks can be found in the B.C. Open Textbooks Collection, as well as, several other repositories and collections. Some open textbooks contain supplemental or ancillary materials (e.g., test banks, quizzes, PowerPoint slides, videos)." Higher education community in British Columbia, Canada.
A searchable database of OER materials from across the US and internationally.
Posted: March 11, 2020, 3:22 PM