GO Chat Recap: Badging & Micro-credentialing
Here's what you missed from our Go Online Chat!
Last week, we welcomed Sherri Braxton, Senior Director of Instructional Technology, as our inaugural guest on GO Chat to talk about her work on campus and beyond the loop for badging and micro-credentialing initiatives.
We discussed some recent articles that have been on our mind:
- Inside Higher Ed recently published an article that Faculty confidence in online learning grows. As we prepare for Spring 2021, we hope faculty will grow their confidence in online teaching and continue to facilitate environments of active learning.
- EDUCAUSE's Preparing Workers for Anything: Human + Machine made us reflect on "soft-skills" or "21st century skills" that prepare students to be lifelong learners.
- The Retriever's Professors need to restructure online classes. Here’s how. We discussed how the article shed light on everyone's ability to give grace during this time.
Sherri led the conversation on how badging transforms the way learning, skills, and accomplishments are recognized and allows for the capture, promotion, and transfer of learning that occurs in diverse contexts. At UMBC, a number of badges have been awarded in partnership with campus offices. In addition to the University System of Maryland's Badging Essential Skills for Transition (BEST) program, UMBC is leading the micro-credentialing initiative to better prepare students to demonstrate mastery of competencies through the Greater Washington Partnership (GWP).
Our next GO Chat is on Friday, November 13, and will conclude our celebration of National Distance Learning Week. Our topic for conversation is the Future of eLearning at UMBC. We will be joined by Yvette Mozie-Ross, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Planning and Beth Jones, Associate Vice Provost for the Office of Summer, Winter, and Special Programs in the Division of Professional Studies. We hope you will join us!
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Posted: October 23, 2020, 10:50 AM