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From UMBC News and Magazine
Ting Zhu receives NSF grant to develop localization and mapping techniques
CSEE professor Ting Zhu received an award from the National Science Foundation to develop improved techniques for identifying a person’s location in dynamically changing environments. The award of...
Posted: October 19, 2015, 7:40 PM
Workshop examines diversity in STEM graduate education
Facilitating underrepresented STEM graduate student and postdoctoral professional development with an eye toward establishing pathways to careers has been at the core of the PROMISE AGEP mission...
Posted: October 6, 2015, 8:33 PM
Dean Julia Ross receives “Outstanding Chemical Engineer” honor
Purdue University has honored Dean Julia Ross of UMBC’s College of Engineering and IT as one of six Outstanding Chemical Engineers for 2015. Dean Ross is an alumna of Purdue and received her PhD...
Posted: September 28, 2015, 3:05 PM
Renetta Tull shortlisted for GEDC Airbus Diversity Award
Renetta Tull, associate vice provost for graduate student development and postdoctoral affairs, is one of ten impressive candidates shortlisted for this year’s GEDC Airbus Diversity Award. The...
Posted: September 21, 2015, 2:47 PM
UMBC joins National STEM Collaborative supporting opportunities for underrepresented girls and women
Responding to the underrepresentation of minority women in STEM fields, UMBC has joined a new national collaborative committed to supporting educational opportunities for girls and women of color...
Posted: September 18, 2015, 6:20 PM
Sarah Jewett, STEM Transfer Student Success Initiative, Discusses Workforce Prep on WalletHub
In a ranking of the nation’s community colleges, WalletHub asked experts about changes in the higher education landscape. Sarah Jewett, executive director of the STEM Transfer Student Success...
Posted: September 16, 2015, 11:35 AM
First Video Game From UMBC’s Game Developer’s Club Up on Steam
A game developed by a four-student UMBC team was recently added on Steam, the giant PC game platform. The success prompted stories in the Baltimore Daily Record and in
Posted: September 15, 2015, 5:56 PM
Amy Hurst, Information Systems, Describes “Making for All” in Huffington Post
The intersection of technology and do-it-yourself (DIY) culture, known as the Maker Movement, has been praised for encouraging Americans to be creative and resourceful. However, the costly...
Posted: September 9, 2015, 6:01 PM
Anupam Joshi, Cybersecurity, Analyzes Wearable Tech Data Safety in Nature
Wearable electronics, which includes devices like fitness trackers and smart watches, is a rapidly growing industry that promises to connect the real and digital lives of consumers. As the...
Posted: September 4, 2015, 4:23 PM
Jian Chen, CSEE, Discusses New Hybrid-Reality System in The Daily Record
Jian Chen, computer science and electrical engineering, received a $360,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to build π², a hybrid-reality system that can project 3D images in order to...
Posted: September 4, 2015, 3:42 PM
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