
This is a sample News page using content from the Division of Information Technology group in myUMBC.

How likely is it that a student will graduate in six years?

Early predictions give us more time to help!

The Data Science Team recently released its set of predictions for the 6-year graduation probabilities of the 2020 Freshman cohort. Below is a snapshot of the current cohort's predictions, in...

Posted: March 16, 2022, 9:24 AM

How likely is it that a student will graduate in six years?

Early predictions give us more time to help!

The Data Science Team recently released its set of predictions for the 6-year graduation probabilities of the 2020 Freshman cohort. Below is a snapshot of the current cohort's predictions, in...

Posted: March 16, 2022, 9:20 AM

All campus technology services restored

As of around 4pm all campus technology applications and services were fully restored. We verified our power backup systems were fully operational again as well.  This was almost immediately...

Posted: March 12, 2022, 6:25 PM

Recent Campus Power Outage Effecting Several Services

The campus experienced a brief power outage around 11:35 this morning, and our data center on campus also lost power. All of our teams have been working on restoring services, and most are back...

Posted: March 12, 2022, 12:58 PM

HelioCampus Update #4: Current status and next steps

The February 14th meeting agenda of the Data Management Committee featured an update on the status of the Helio Campus Implementation and the project plan.  That update, in the form of a one-page...

Posted: March 10, 2022, 12:21 PM

HelioCampus Update #4: Current status and next steps

What you need to know in a 3-minute read

The February 14th meeting agenda of the Data Management Committee featured an update on the status of the Helio Campus Implementation and the project plan.  That update, in the form of a one-page...

Posted: March 8, 2022, 8:45 AM

Celebrate Open Education Week: March 7-11, 2022

Discover the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide

Join the Maryland Open Source Textbook initiative to celebrate Open Education Week 2022!  Check out the events and webinars happening locally at Montgomery College and all the activities...

Posted: March 7, 2022, 1:11 PM

Sub-NUMA Clustering and Change to Default Intel Toolchain

SNC Enabled and intel/2021b is now a default module

All taki users, We'd like to announce that all 2018 and 2021 hardware now has Sub-NUMA Clustering (SNC) enabled. You can read more about SNC at the link below. Additionally, the Intel...

Posted: March 7, 2022, 9:32 AM

Free Training for Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor

Join an upcoming webinar to see the latest features

Join an upcoming training webinar from Respondus to see the latest features and integrations for LockDown Browser and Monitor. Learn how these applications are used with a range of online testing...

Posted: March 4, 2022, 12:54 PM