
This is a sample News page using content from the Division of Information Technology group in myUMBC.

HelioCampus Update #3: First-Year Retention Predictions

Our first playbook is hot off the press!

First-year retention is UMBC’s single biggest point of loss during the lifetime of a freshman cohort and a key focus area of the university’s student success efforts. To support this work the Data...

Posted: February 15, 2022, 9:50 AM

5 Faculty Earn QM Certification for Course Design

More than half of USM's QM certified courses are from UMBC

After participating in rigorous peer reviews of their online and hybrid courses, five UMBC faculty have earned Quality Matters certification as part of the campus’ Quality Matters Impact (QMI)...

Posted: February 14, 2022, 9:39 AM

Job Scam Alert: Department of Psychology

An Accidental Forward Keeps Us All On Our Toes

The Division of Information Technology has received quite a few reports of a new job scam email coming from the Department of Psychology. It is very similar to others we have received in the past,...

Posted: February 8, 2022, 2:16 PM

Panopto: Recording, Hosting, and Engaging

Leveraging Screencasting to Support Instructional Strategies

UMBC adopted Panopto in fall 2018. Use has increased since this time, in particular spurred on by geometrically increased adoption with the migration to fully online and then hybrid learning in...

Posted: February 8, 2022, 9:40 AM

New REX Report: Weekly Utilization Rates for Rooms

New REX Report : Weekly Utilization Rates for Rooms Folder : Curriculum Management > Room This new report allows departments or colleges to see how well their rooms are being utilized. ...

Posted: February 4, 2022, 1:16 PM

New REX report : Plan Selection Related to Course

New REX report :  Plan Selection Related to Course Folder : Student Records and Enrollment > Course Enrollment This new report counts how many students in each course joined a particular...

Posted: February 2, 2022, 2:15 PM

REPOST: SP22 Data Science & Learning Analytics Workshops

Noon series will feature plenty of show & tell demos

For the Spring 22 semester, DoIT's Analytics & Instructional Technology groups will continue to offer student success and learning analytics-related workshops for the UMBC community. All...

Posted: February 1, 2022, 10:56 AM

SP22 Data Science & Learning Analytics Workshops Schedule

Noon series will feature plenty of show & tell demos

For the Spring 22 semester, DoIT's Analytics & Instructional Technology groups will continue to offer student success and learning analytics-related workshops for the UMBC community.  All...

Posted: January 31, 2022, 2:33 PM

Recording of HPCF User Meeting Available on Panopto

User Meeting from Friday 01/28/2022 11:00-12:00

Dear taki Users, dear colleagues, dear students, I am writing as chair of the governance committee and faculty-lead for the user support in HPCF. It was great to have people visit with me,...

Posted: January 28, 2022, 6:38 PM

Quality Matters Impact Program - Call to Participate

Faculty can apply now for Spring/Summer Cohorts

As an extension of the award-winningPIVOT program, the Quality Matters Impact program is a new initiative to formally recognize courses that meet Quality Matters standards and demonstrate...

Posted: January 28, 2022, 1:29 PM